She Is2019-11-05T15:04:41-05:00

She is...


Her card says she is a Colorist but she is really an artist. She paints patiently and thoughtfully and her work is impeccable. She colors from the heart. She puts beauty in to the world. I [...]


She is grace personified. She has rallied a village that want to protect her, help her, support her. She's the sunshine everyone was to bask in. She is strong, smart, successful and resilient. She is living [...]


Strong, gorgeous, compassionate, funny.  Mother, daughter, friend, and activist. Working to obliterate cancer. BCRF leader and fundraiser.  I love this woman!  Go Mia, go!

Mary Kay

She was a sage and someone I admired. She said if you select a career that meets your personal needs and if you carefully plan the steps you need to take to reach your goals, then [...]


I love being with my Mom especially while we are in the company of other woman. She is like the sun, people are always orbiting around her. Regardless of our relationship with the other women , [...]

Ms. T

I loved one of my teachers in high school. She made a difference in my life. She looked up when I would approach her desk and when I spoke she looked at me and listened to [...]

Ms. E

My Interventionist helped me in so many ways. She is still my friend and I go back to visit her at the high school when I am home from college. When I compared myself to my [...]

Ms. Ettinger

Nothing related to schoolwork has ever come easy for me and surprisingly, I am okay with this fact. Learning to retain what I’ve read, concentrating in class and taking tests have proven to be extremely difficult [...]


I am not sure who wrote this but it is beautiful. One of our followers found it on the internet. If you have ever had a dog in your life that changed your life, you should [...]


Sweet and inspiring. New everything. Career, relationship, outlook on life and goals etc. She is following her passion and living her best life.  So happy to know her and be her friend. We go way back, [...]

Kathy H

She was a great boss. Why? Each day she operated with integrity. Thank God for me she was a teacher in her former life.  She patiently taught me a skill that I use every day. I [...]


Her name was Koj. (“Kris” )  She worked for me. She was a wife, a mother to an amazing pooch, an Auntie, a great friend to her friends and overall just a nice human being.  Four [...]


I speak to Pat every morning. She is my angel. I tell her things so to purge the thoughts out of my head.  Thoughts I would’ve drank over.  When I feel weak and vulnerable, I pick [...]


Since I have been in the program, general fear that was always present is gone. My relationships are pretty healthy and functional or have been discontinued. My program taught me how to connect spiritually, to be more honest [...]

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