
HomeTag: mother


Liz was a force of nature. She impacted everyone she met and truly made the world a better place. When she was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer at the age of 37, instead of asking “why [...]


I love being with my Mom especially while we are in the company of other woman. She is like the sun, people are always orbiting around her. Regardless of our relationship with the other women , [...]


I enjoy being with my Mom. After all these years she is still so energetic. She can run circles around me! She inspires me to be my best self. My mother's belief in me runs through [...]


She is loving, strong and she is resilient. She is my Mother and I'm so thankful for all the loving, kind, supportive things she does for me and for my family. She is a wonderful grandmother [...]


Every teenage girl is full of self doubt and senior year is a huge time of questioning. Do I have what it takes? Who do I want to become? What if the world chews me up [...]


She has always been a beautiful flower.  But now she is blooming in to a beautiful bouquet!  Every day I notice something more amazing about her.  She is poised and confident and thriving.  She is easy [...]


My mom is the most amazing person I know!  When I count my blessings at night, I count her twice. One day I hope to be able to blog about her. There are too many possible [...]


SHE IS selfless and supportive. I love my mom and look up to her in so many ways. I admire her for all of her hard work and effort over the years as she helped to [...]


My mom.  She’s wicked smart, with a list of accomplishments a mile long. She’s interested in everything and everyone. She’s tall and elegant. Has worked on Madison Avenue. Raised three children. Co-authored a book. And has [...]


She is remarkable!  She lost her husband to a horrible and brutal disease, and rather than curling up and putting her head under the covers, she decided to face each day with a smile on her [...]

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