
Motivate. Create Positivity. Spread Love.

Gerber Daisy

She Is She Was is an online forum created to provide amazing tributes about inspirational women!  It is a place for you to share experience, strength and hope by telling us about a woman you admire.  Your tribute to her can be a full story or just a few sentences.  You can sing her praises, express your gratitude toward her or keep her memory alive here.  We are excited to hear about this special woman!

Thank you for sharing your compliment or tribute and visiting our site.

If you are proud to be associated with her, if she motivates or positively impacts you, if you love her and you are not afraid to reveal your admiration for her to others, then post here and tell us about her! Our goal was to create a public compliment and tribute site to praise strong women. It doesn’t matter if you know/knew her intimately, casually, or not at all. Express your gratitude and share the love here.


noun 1. an act, statement, or gift that is intended to show gratitude, respect, or admiration.

tell us about her

She is...


She is powerful. Samantha's dedication to our family to our kids to our union gives me purpose every day. This woman works three to four jobs almost everyday and still finds the time to cater to [...]


She is strong

Yvette Lisa

She is pretty fantastic. She is an entrepreneur, a mom, a wife and a good friend to many good friends. She has love in her life and she is passionate about the things she commits to.  [...]

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She was...


Liz was a force of nature. She impacted everyone she met and truly made the world a better place. When she was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer at the age of 37, instead of asking “why [...]


She taught me to let go of the tension and stretch beyond my comfort zone. She warned me it would be hard and I would have to get comfortable with the discomfort associated with that.  I began [...]


She was the master.  She would ask..."Do you want to make a decent Christmas cookie?" And go on to tell us we need to use margarine, not butter!  Her recipe must be shared with the world. [...]

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