
HomeTag: Teacher


She has one of the sunniest dispositions I've ever known. She keeps smiling and creates an aura of positivity in the face of adversity, no matter what life has thrown at her. Her inner strength is [...]

Ms. T

I loved one of my teachers in high school. She made a difference in my life. She looked up when I would approach her desk and when I spoke she looked at me and listened to [...]

Ms. E

My Interventionist helped me in so many ways. She is still my friend and I go back to visit her at the high school when I am home from college. When I compared myself to my [...]

Ms. Ettinger

Nothing related to schoolwork has ever come easy for me and surprisingly, I am okay with this fact. Learning to retain what I’ve read, concentrating in class and taking tests have proven to be extremely difficult [...]

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